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One Man is Dead and an Officer Seriously Injured in Lubbock, TX Crash

One Man is Dead and an Officer Seriously Injured in Lubbock TX Crash scaled

According to, an early morning crash on January 12, 2023 left an officer seriously injured and Santos Donez, Jr. dead. The crash happened when Officer Haulk arrived at the scene of a crash at the 4300 block of South Loop 289. When attempting to exit his vehicle, he was struck from behind by a pickup truck driven by 36-year-old Santos Donez, Jr. Mr. Donez was pronounced dead at the scene and the officer was transported to University Medical Center with serious injuries. The investigation is ongoing and no additional information is available at this time.



A young man has lost his life and an officer was seriously injured in this crash. I feel confident the Lubbock Police Department will ensure a thorough investigation into the cause of the crash. Thankfully, the officer will have support from colleagues and likely, good insurance coverage for injuries received while on duty. For the family of the man who lost his life, they are left with questions and the difficulty of navigating how to move forward with an insurance claim. There are a lot of unknown details at this time, so rushing to judgment is not a good idea. Those who are left behind would likely benefit from someone advocating for their loved one and helping them determine first steps. The facts on the ground at the time of this wreck are very important and an experienced attorney can help determine the cause of this tragic accident.

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