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One Dead After Striking Concrete Pillars on SH 130 in Travis County

One Man is Dead and an Officer Seriously Injured in Lubbock TX Crash scaled

According to DPS officials, one person has died after crashing into concrete pillars on SH 130. It happened just after midnight on January 24, 2023 near SH 130 and Elroy Road when a 2021 Chevy Corvette traveling north on SH 130 left the roadway and struck the concrete pillars supporting the overpass for Elroy Road. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene, but has not been identified at this time.



Early morning crashes on a weekday can often be the result of a fatigued driver, but there can be a number of other factors that come into play. Since we do not have all the details in this case, it is important that the victim’s family make sure a thorough investigation is performed. This will help bring closure and provide the details needed to determine how to move forward. An evaluation and investigation by an experienced attorney is always a good way to make sure you move forward in a way that will help provide answers for the tragic loss.

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