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Abogados de Accidentes de Camión

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Tim Tate

Claire Tate Rehmet

Chris Rehmet


Recuperación Bruta

Accidente Peatonal

Muerte por Negligencia


Recuperación Bruta

Accidente de Motocicleta

Lesión de Cabeza


Recuperación Bruta

Producto Defectuoso

Lesión cerebral


Recuperación Bruta

Accidente en el Trabajo

Lesión de cabeza

Abogados de Accidentes de Camión en Texas

Bufete de Abogados Familiar con Experiencia en Accidentes de Camión de Carga y Casos de Tráiler

Tractor Trailer Accident Lawyers Texas Tate

La abogada Claire Tate Rehmet comenzó con las demandas en contra de las compañías de camiones en 1993. Desde entonces, nuestro bufete se ha encargado de cientos de accidentes de camión que involucran lesiones graves o incluso la muerte en Texas, Oklahoma, Nuevo México y Arkansas. Nuestro bufete sabe que para ser exitoso en un caso de choque de Vehículos Comerciales que involucra una lesión grave o de muerte en Texas, Oklahoma, Nuevo México y Arkansas requiere un equipo de abogados y expertos quienes están trabajando para descubrir las causas centrales del accidente.

Descubrir la causa central del choque es extremadamente importante para su caso. Esto es cierto porque nuestros abogados descubren que casi todos los accidentes de camión son causados por la infracción de la regla y sus reglamentos. Las compañías de camiones y sus choferes que siguen las reglas son mucho menos propensos a causar un accidente.

Sin embargo, estas compañías no siempre siguen las reglas. Las compañías de camiones tienen un motivo financiero para infringir varias de las reglas y reglamentos que mantienen al público a salvo. Por lo general estructuran el pago del chofer para que el chofer reciba más dinero si infringe las reglas, y entonces el negocio de los vehículos comerciales permite las infracciones porque la compañía genera más dinero en tal caso.

Encontrar el problema central de un accidente de camión grande es la clave para armar un caso sólido de lesión personal o muerte por negligencia. El caso puede llevar a más demandados y coberturas de seguros adicionales. Encontrar la causa comúnmente significa que la compañía ha estado sistemáticamente y a sabiendas rompiendo las reglas y reglamentos. La evidencia de negligencia sistemática le da poder a su abogado para conseguirle una compensación completa de su pérdida.

One of the most common rules violations is that the truck driver drives too many consecutive hours without rest. Driver fatigue is one of the primary factors leading to most large truck accidents.

Trucking businesses usually pay by the load or by the mile. Under either scenario, the pay scheme presents the driver with a powerful financial incentive to keep driving, even if the law dictates they pull over and take time to sleep. Our lawyers find that companies rarely pay a salary which would remove the financial incentive to keep driving when the law requires a rest break.

The companies understand that the pay scheme motivates the trucker to keep driving, but they often knowingly “turn a blind eye” to violations of the legal limits of work hours because they want the load delivered faster so they can turn the truck around for use on another load.

Violating the law requiring the driver to rest causes fatigue. Our truck accident lawyers often find that driver fatigue is a common root cause of  truck accidents that result in  personal injuries or death. Trucking operators know that driver fatigue is a major cause of injury and death, but intentionally do not supervise the drivers. Often, drivers may try to stay awake by taking amphetamines or other stimulates known as “speed”  to stay awake, and the companies they work for often know that hours violations are present,  but don’t act to stop it.

These violations happen in our communities. Highway 75 and 289 are both major highways and the roads in McKinney are full of commercial trucks. Commercial truck wrecks happen frequently in McKinney, Allen, Anna, Van Alstyne, Sherman, Denison and elsewhere across the states of Texas and Oklahoma.

When companies prioritize profits over the safety of their own drivers and the public, they place all of us on the public roads in danger.

Commercial vehicle coporations don’t supervise their drivers. Our Texas truck accident attorneys often discover the lack of supervision after we have filed a lawsuit. The companies’ failure to adequately supervise is a common cause of collisions and serious injuries.

Truck driver’s hours violations and negligent supervision work hand in hand. The truck company has a powerful financial motive to make the delivery faster so they can turn the truck and haul another load. The business, in turn, motivates the driver to keep driving by paying the driver by the load or by the mile. The company can track the tractor trailer or 18 wheeler and the driver, but often willfully turns a blind eye to the violations of work hours.

We often discover violations of on duty hours limits through the course of litigation. Shockingly, the evidence of the hours violations is often in the employer’s possession. Our attorneys know that companies keep track of certain data regarding any tractor trailer, the driver, and the load in question.

For instance, drivers are required to log their on-duty hours and stop driving when they reach the limit. Most operations track on-duty hours through an electronic logging device that is hard wired into the vehicle. Our attorneys will download the data collected on the truck. The logging device usually transmits the data back to the company before the accident. This means the data showing the hours violations is available to a supervisor. If this takes place frequently, then the management is negligently supervising their driver.

In addition, we often find that the operators are using other technology to track the commercial vehicle, such as a QUALCOMM device. These devices record much more data than the driver’s on-duty status. The  location is tracked via GPS, inspections are logged, as well as other data points.

This type of location data can show that the driver drove too many hours or too great a distance, or lied about their location at a given time. This information is generally transmitted to the company. If the data shows discrepancies regarding location, then there is likely an hours violation and the managers knew it.

¿Qué tipos de infracciones descubren sus abogados comúnmente cuando investigan la causa de un accidente de camión?

Una de las infracciones más comunes es que el chofer de camión maneja por demasiadas horas consecutivas sin descanso. La fatiga del chofer es uno de los factores primarios que llevan a los accidentes de camión.

Las compañías de camiones por lo general pagan por carga o por milla. En ambos casos, el esquema de pago le brinda al chofer un incentivo financiero poderoso para seguir manejando, aun si la ley dicta que se estacionen y tomen tiempo para dormir.

Nuestros abogados han descubierto que las compañías rara vez pagan un salario que eliminaría el incentivo financiero para que sigan manejando cuando la ley requiere que se tomen un descanso. Las compañías saben que el esquema de pago motiva al chofer a seguir manejando, pero comúnmente se hacen “de la vista gorda” a las infracciones de los límites legales de horas de trabajo porque quieren que la carga se entregue rápidamente y el camión regrese para usarlo para otra carga.

Infringir la ley que requiere que el chofer descanse causa fatiga. Nuestros abogados de accidentes de camión se han dado cuenta que la fatiga del chofer es a menudo la principal causa de los accidentes de camión que resultan en lesiones personales o la muerte. Las compañías de camiones saben que la fatiga del chofer es una causa principal de lesiones y muertes, pero los choferes no son supervisados intencionalmente. A menudo, los choferes tratan de mantenerse despiertos tomando anfetaminas u otros estimulantes conocidos como “speed” y las compañías para las que trabajan saben que existe una infracción de horas, pero no hacen nada para evitarlo.

Estas infracciones suceden en nuestras comunidades. Las carreteras 75 y 289 son dos de las principales carreteras y las calles de McKinney están llenas de camiones de carga. Frecuentemente hay accidentes de camiones de carga en McKinney, Allen, Anna, Van Alstyne, Sherman, Denison y otros lugares a lo largo de los estados de Texas y Oklahoma.

Cuando las compañías priorizan las ganancias sobre la seguridad de sus propios choferes y el público, nos ponen a todos los que usamos las carreteras públicas en peligro.

¿Cuáles son las otras causas comunes de accidentes de camión semirremolque?

Las compañías de camiones no supervisan a sus choferes. Nuestros abogados de accidentes de camión comúnmente descubren una falta de supervisión después de que hemos interpuesto una demanda. La falta de supervisión por parte de la compañía es una causa común de colisiones y lesiones serias.

Las infracciones de horas y la negligencia al supervisar van de la mano. La compañía de camiones tiene un poderoso motivo financiero para hacer entregas más rápidas para poder tener el camión de vuelta y que pueda entregar otra carga. La compañía motiva al chofer a que siga manejando al pagarle al chofer por carga o por millas. La compañía puede rastrear su tráiler y su chofer, pero comúnmente se hacen de la vista gorda a las infracciones de horas de trabajo.

Comúnmente descubrimos infracciones de las horas limites en el transcurso de la litigación. Sorprendentemente la evidencia de las infracciones a las horas comúnmente está en posesión del empleador. Nuestros abogados saben que las compañías monitorean cierto tipo de información referente a cualquier tráiler, chofer y la carga en cuestión.

Por ejemplo, a los choferes se les requiere registrar sus horas de trabajo y dejar de manejar cuando hayan alcanzado el límite. La mayoría de las operaciones monitorean las horas de trabajo a través de un dispositivo electrónico que está integrado al vehículo. Nuestros abogados descargarán la información almacenada en el camión. El dispositivo por lo general transmite la información a la compañía antes del accidente. Eso quiere decir que la información que muestra las infracciones está disponible para el supervisor. Si esto sucede frecuentemente, entonces la gerencia está supervisando de manera negligente a su chofer.

Además, frecuentemente nos topamos con que los operadores están usando otra tecnología para monitorear su camión, como dispositivos QUALCOMM. Estos dispositivos graban más datos aparte del estatus de los choferes. La ubicación se rastrea por GPS, se registran inspecciones, al igual que otra información.

Estos tipos de datos de ubicación pueden demostrar que el chofer manejó por muchas horas o una distancia mayor o mintió sobre su ubicación en algún momento. Esta información generalmente es transmitida a la compañía. Si la información muestra discrepancias con respecto a la ubicación entonces lo más probable es que hubo una infracción de horas y los gerentes lo sabían.

Áreas a las que Brindamos Servicio

Tenemos oficinas en McKinney, Texas y Sherman, TX. Servimos a todo Texas y Oklahoma.
En Esta Página

¿Las compañías de camiones son requeridas por ley a investigar la capacitación, experiencia e historial de los choferes de camiones antes de dejarlos conducir en la carretera?

Si. La normativa requiere que la compañía investigue el historial del chofer antes de ponerlo en la carretera. Comúnmente descubrimos que la gerencia contrató choferes con un mal historial de manejo a pesar de que infrinja la ley federal y las políticas de la compañía. Esto puede causar serios accidentes.

La ley requiere que Las compañías de camiones contraten choferes competentes. Eso quiere decir que la compañía debe preguntarles sobre su historial de manejo. A la gerencia también se le requiere que obtenga información sobre el historial de manejo del chofer por parte del empleador anterior. Por último, la compañía debe de obtener el historial de manejo del solicitante para asegurarse de que el chofer no tiene registro de multas de tránsito o accidentes.

wheeler side view highway

Cuando nuestros abogados de accidentes de camión demandan a una compañía de camiones y a su chofer por causar un choque, le enviaremos una citación por los registros de la compañía para asegurarse de que la gerencia cumpla con su deber de investigar el historial de manejo de su chofer y su empleo anterior. Identificaremos los empleadores previos del chofer y citaremos los registros para saber porque fue despedido.

Nuestros abogados por lo general descubren que la gerencia no pidió a los empleadores anteriores el historial de su chofer, lo cual es requerido por ley. Cuando citamos los registros del empleador anterior, frecuentemente descubrimos que el chofer fue despedido por una causa.

Por ejemplo, el abogado Chistopher Rehmet descubrió que un chofer que tenía un historial criminal de abuso de drogas fue despedido de un empleo anterior por que le encontraron drogas dentro del camión. Entonces una segunda compañía contrató al mismo chofer que causó un accidente grave con lesiones graves. Esa compañía despidió al chofer.

Pero ese chofer fue contratado una vez más por una tercera compañía de camiones que era nuestro demandado. El gerente de seguridad de esa compañía admitió que no reviso el historial criminal, a pesar de que debió de haberlo hecho. Además, de que debió contactar al empleador anterior, pero no lo hizo. Este tipo de evidencia muestra que el demandado no investigo adecuadamente el historial y puso a una persona no segura detrás del volante de un camión con remolque. Nuestros abogados demostraron que esto fue la causa del accidente y de las lesiones que sufrió nuestro cliente.

¿Es diferente la investigación realizada por un abogado de un accidente de camión de 18 ruedas a esa de un accidente de carro?

Sí, los abogados de accidentes de camión necesitan actuar inmediatamente para preservar evidencia. Esto incluye el envío de una carta de preservación de pruebas y contratar a un reconstructor de accidentes calificado para reunir la evidencia.

La evidencia es significativamente diferente en los casos de accidentes de tráiler en comparación a los accidentes estándar de vehículos con pasajeros. Es imperativo que el abogado mande una carta de preservación de pruebas a la compañía que estaba operando el camión, indicándoles que deben preservar cualquier evidencia. Después de mandar esta carta, si la gerencia de la compañía de camiones u otras partes pierden o destruyen evidencia, es posible que un juez le instruya al jurado que asuman que la evidencia pudo estar a favor de nuestro cliente.

A veces nuestros abogados demandan al chofer y a la compañía inmediatamente para que podamos citar los registros, tomar las declaraciones juradas, y solicitar la entrega de los elementos en posesión de la compañía.

Nuestros abogados pueden también contratar a un reconstructor de accidentes para que investigue el choque. Todos los camiones de carga tienen un tipo de caja negra, llamado Módulo Electrónico de Control (ECM). Ese módulo puede contener información importante que muestra la velocidad, movimientos del volante, movimientos del pedal y otros puntos de información en los 5 a 10 segundos anteriores al choque. Este tipo de información permite a un reconstructor de accidentes a determinar lo que el chofer estaba haciendo antes del impacto.

El reconstructor del accidente puede usar un escáner de laser de 3-D para escanear los vehículos chocados, lo cual brinda un método preciso de medición de la ubicación y el grado del choque. Los modelos computarizados pueden usar la información, junto con otros puntos de información, para determinar exactamente como ocurrió el choque. Esta puede ser información vital que puede ser usada por nuestro abogado en un caso de lesión en contra de la compañía y su chofer.

Cuando investigamos accidentes de camiones de carga, comúnmente vamos a la escena con el reconstructor de accidentes para ver el sitio y recolectar evidencia. El vídeo tomado por el dron puede ayudar a documentar la escena del accidente. Las marcas de llanta en el pavimento y las isletas de pasto son medidas y fotografiadas. Este tipo de investigación es valiosa porque permite al abogado argumentar como se dio el accidente.

Yes, the truck accident lawyer needs to take immediate steps to preserve evidence. These steps include sending a spoliation letter and hiring a qualified accident reconstructionist to gather evidence.

The evidence is significantly different in an 18 wheeler accident case as opposed to a standard passenger vehicle collision. It is imperative for the attorney to send a spoliation letter to the company that was operating the truck, instructing them to preserve any evidence. After we send this letter, if the trucking management or other parties lose or destroy evidence, it is possible to have a judge tell the jury to presume the evidence would have been favorable our client.

Sometimes our attorneys sue the driver and the company immediately so we can subpoena records, take depositions, and request production of items in the company’s possession.

Our lawyers may also hire accident reconstructionists to investigate the collision. All large trucks have a black box of sorts, called an Electronic Control Module (ECM). That module will most likely contain important information showing the speed, steering inputs, petal inputs, and other data points in the 5-10 seconds leading up to the collision. This type of data allows a truck accident reconstructionist to determine what the driver was doing right before impact.

The accident reconstructionist may also use a 3-D laser scanner to scan the wrecked vehicles, which provides a precise method of measuring the location and degree of crush. Computer models can then use that data, along with other data points, to help determine exactly how a wreck occurred. This can be vital evidence which can be used by your lawyer in an injury case against the  company and their driver.

When we investigate a commercial truck accident, we typically go to the scene with the accident reconstructionist to view the sight and gather evidence. Drone aerial footage is usually taken which can help document the accident scene. Tire marks on the pavement as well as grassy medians are measured and photographed. This type of investigation is valuable because it allows the lawyer to argue how the accident happened.

CMV accidents can cause catastrophic injury and death. When fully loaded, a  commercial truck is generally about 80,000 pounds. In contrast, a passenger car, like a Honda, usually has a gross vehicle weight rating of about 5,500 pounds.  When an 80,000 pound truck is traveling at highway speeds, a collision with a passenger car can be incredibly destructive and has the potential to take lives or produce life-altering injuries. 

Because of the size and weight of 18 wheelers and commercial vehicles, the damages from a collision can be devastating. When loaded, a large truck weighs as much as 80,000 pounds, but overweight permits allow even greater load weights.

In contrast, a typical passenger vehicle usually has a curb weight of less than 5,000 pounds.  When the larger truck impacts the light passenger auto, the discrepancy in weight leads to severe injuries to the occupants in the much smaller passenger vehicle.

Truck collisions often lead to spinal injuries, traumatic head injuries, fractured or broken bones, burns, lacerations, loss of limbs and joint injuries, causing emergency surgeries. Many of the wrongful death cases which our injury attorneys have handled over the years stemmed from CMV accident fatalities.

The destruction caused by truck accidents is the reason federal and state laws regulate the commercial trucking industry. This regulation is in place in order to increase safety for the motoring public. Our commercial motor vehicle attorneys fully understand that when CMV  operations break the rules, the resulting  accidents and injuries can ruin lives.

¿Qué tipos de lesiones causan los camiones de carga y los vehículos comerciales?

Los accidentes de camión pueden causar lesiones catastróficas y la muerte. Cuando un camión comercial está completamente cargado por lo general pesa como 80,000 libras. En contraste, un vehículo de pasajeros, como un Honda, generalmente tiene un peso bruto de como 5,500 libras. Cuando un camión de 80,000 libras viaja a velocidades de autopista, un choque con un vehículo de pasajeros puede ser increíblemente destructivo y tiene el potencial de acabar con la vida o producir una lesión que altere la vida. 

Por el tamaño y el peso de los tráileres y los vehículos comerciales, los daños de un choque pueden ser devastadores. Cuando está cargado un camión grande pesa como 80,000 libras, pero los permisos de sobre peso permiten una carga más pesada.

En contraste, un vehículo de pasajeros regularmente tiene un peso promedio de menos de 5,000 libras. Cuando el camión más grande impacta al vehículo de pasajeros ligero, la discrepancia en los pesos conlleva lesiones serias a los ocupantes del vehículo de pasajeros más pequeño.

Los choques de camión generalmente producen lesiones en la columna vertebral, lesiones traumáticas en la cabeza, huesos fracturados o rotos, quemaduras, laceraciones, pérdida de extremidades y lesiones en las articulaciones, que causan operaciones de emergencia. Muchos de los casos de muerte por negligencia de las que han gestionado nuestros abogados de lesiones a través de los años provienen de accidentes de camiones de carga fatales.

La destrucción que causan los accidentes de camión es la razón por la que las leyes federales y estatales regulan la industria de camiones de carga. Este reglamento se ha establecido para incrementar la seguridad para el público motorizado. Nuestros abogados de camiones de carga entienden por completo que cuando las operaciones de camiones de carga rompen las reglas, los accidentes y lesiones pueden arruinar vidas.
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truck wrecker truck damage scaled
Por favor haga clic o de una pulsación a las preguntas a continuación para ver las respuestas:

Si. Por lo general las demandas de accidentes de camión necesitan de un equipo de varios abogados de accidentes y un equipo de expertos. Los expertos pueden incluir un reconstructor y expertos en la industria de camiones, como inspectores ex trabajadores de la Secretaría de Transporte y gerentes de seguridad. Demostrar el reclamo de lesión puede requerir de doctores, planeadores de vida, y economistas para calcular la pérdida de los ingresos.

Los accidentes de camión necesitan de un equipo de abogados y expertos. Sabemos que expertos necesita su caso. Nuestro bufete paga a los expertos de los accidentes de camión y solo se nos reembolsa si se llega a un acuerdo o existe una compensación. Si nuestros abogados de accidentes de camión no tienen éxito en recuperar su dinero del choque, no somos reembolsados por estos gastos.

Los tribunales federales a menudo trasladan demandas por accidentes de camión, lo cual agrega complejidad.

Además, la litigación de los accidentes de camión normalmente involucra partes de diferentes estados. Por ejemplo, si es usted un ciudadano de Texas y es chocado por un camión de remolque manejado por un chofer que vive en Oklahoma y la compañía está incorporada en California, entonces ninguna parte es residente del mismo estado. Esto es conocido como “diversidad total” y ocurre cuando el demandante es de un estado y el demandado es de otro.

Bajo esas circunstancias, el abogado del demandado puede trasladar el caso del tribunal estatal de Texas al tribunal Federal. Esto crea una capa adicional de complejidad porque el Tribunal Federal tiene sus propias Reglas de Procedimientos y requiere de una práctica de mociones y alegatos más intensiva. Hemos gestionado varios casos de accidentes de camión en los Tribunales Federales por todo el Estado de Texas. Nuestros abogados tienen permiso de presentarse en Tribunales Federales Distritales del Oriente, Occidente y Norte de Texas.

Las demandas de accidentes de camión plantean cuestiones de jurisdicción

Debido a que por lo general el demandante y el demandado operador y chofer del camión no viven en el mismo condado, puede haber opciones sobre donde interponer la demanda. La ubicación donde se presenta la demanda se llama jurisdicción. Algunas jurisdicciones tienen historial donde el jurado emite veredictos más grandes que en otras. Algunas jurisdicciones tienen jueces que tienden a favorecer al demandante más frecuentemente. Esas jurisdicciones tienen más ventajas para el demandante. Nuestros abogados pueden analizar las jurisdicciones y escoger la mejor para la demanda de camiones de carga.

Tenemos varias experiencias en múltiples casos en varios condados de Texas como Dallas, Grayson, Cooke, Fannin, Collin, Tarrant, Harris, Dentons y muchos condados de Oklahoma.

La cantidad de dinero que podemos recuperar de un accidente de camión va a depender de todos los hechos del caso y la naturaleza y alcance de las lesiones. Los camiones de carga requieren tener un mínimo de $750,000.00 en cobertura de responsabilidad y la mayoría tienen un mínimo de $1,000,000.00. Las compañías de camiones generalmente tienen exceso de seguros que cubren los daños de un accidente de camión que cubre los daños de accidentes de camión que exceden $1,000,000.00.

La mayoría de Las compañías de camiones necesitan tener ya sea $750,000 o $1,000,000 en cobertura de seguro, dependiendo del tipo de operaciones que la compañía de camiones esté gestionando y la carga que transportan. Además, varios accidentes de camión semirremolque están asegurados en exceso por las políticas del seguro que puede exceder los $20,000,000.

Existen dos aspectos esenciales a considerar cuando se selecciona a un abogado de accidentes de camión en Texas para su caso de lesión: 

  1. Experiencia de litigación comprobada
  2. La capacidad financiera para cubrir los gastos de corte y otros gastos requeridos para llevar su caso a juicio.

Casi todos los casos de choques de camiones de carga deben ser litigados. Esto significa interponer la demanda y utilizar las reglas de procedimientos y órdenes del tribunal a forzar al chofer demandado y su compañía a presentar documentos y dar sus declaraciones juradas. Quiere tener un abogado experimentado con los choques de camiones debido a su naturaleza compleja. Estos abogados deben tener buenas relaciones con expertos altamente calificados como testigos, tales como economistas, planeadores de atención médica de largo plazo, cirujanos, reconstructores de accidentes y expertos de reglamentos del DOT.

Los expertos son caros y los abogados que los escogen deben de tener los recursos económicos para cubrir los gastos involucrados.

Los abogados en Tate Accident Law han gestionado accidentes de camión por décadas y tenemos un historial de éxitos contra la mayoría de Las compañías de camiones, incluidas JB Hunt, Swift Transportation y muchos más.

Por favor llame a Tate Accident Law para recibir una consulta gratuita con un abogado si estuvo involucrado en un accidente de camión al (972)433-6113. Nuestras oficinas están ubicadas en 118 South Tennessee Street, McKinney, Texas and 2902 N US Highway 75, Sherman, Texas. Por favor visítenos en cualquier momento. Si quiere leer sobre lo que otros opinan de nuestro bufete, por favor revise nuestras reseñas de cinco estrellas en Google.

¿Las demandas de accidentes de camión son comúnmente más complejas que las de accidentes de carro?

Yes. Truck accident lawsuits typically require a team of several accident lawyers and a team of experts. The experts may include accident reconstructionist and experts in the trucking industry, such as ex-DOT inspectors and safety managers. Proving up the injury claim may require doctors, life care planners, and economists to calculate lost earnings.   

Truck accidents require a coordinated team of  lawyers and experts. We know which experts are appropriate for your case. Our law firm pays for the commercial truck accident experts and we are only reimbursed from a settlement or recovery. If our truck accident lawyers are not successful in recovering money for the collision, we are not reimbursed for these expenses.

Federal courts often remove truck accident lawsuits, which adds a layer of complexity.

In addition, commercial vehicle accident litigation often involves parties from different states. For example, if you are a citizen of Texas and are hit by a tractor trailer driven by a driver who lives in Oklahoma, and the company is incorporated in California, then no party is a resident of the same state. This is known as “complete diversity” and occurs when the plaintiff is from one state and the defendants are from another.

Under those circumstances, the defendant’s attorney can remove the case from Texas state court to Federal court. This creates an additional layer of complexity because the Federal Court has its own Rules of Procedure and calls for a more intensive motion and pleading practice. We have handled many truck accident cases in Federal Courts across the State of Texas. Our attorneys are licensed to appear in the Eastern, Western, and Northern Federal District Courts of Texas.

Truck Accident Lawsuits Raise Venue Considerations

Because the plaintiff and the defendant commercial vehicle operator and driver often do not live in the same county, there may be options about where to file the lawsuit. The location where the lawsuit is filed is called the venue. Some venues have a history of larger jury verdicts than others. Some venues have judges that tend to rule in favor of the plaintiff more frequently.  Those venues are more advantageous for the plaintiff. Our lawyers can analyze the venue choices and pick the one that is best for a CMV lawsuit. 

We have experience with multiple cases in several Texas counties, such as Dallas, Grayson, Cooke, Fannin, Collin, Tarrant, Harris, Travis, Denton and many Oklahoma counties.

¿Qué tipo de recuperación puedo esperar de un reclamo de accidente de camión? ¿Existen requisitos de seguros para los camiones y los tráileres con remolque?

The amount of money we can recover in a truck accident claim is going to depend on the facts of the case and the nature and extent of the injuries. Commercial motor vehicles are required to carry at least $750,000.00 in liability coverage and most have at least $1,000,000.00. Trucking businesses often also have excess insurance that covers damages from commercial truck accidents that exceed $1,000,000.00.

Most truck businesses are required to have either $750,000 or $1,000,000 worth of insurance coverage, depending on the type of operation the company is running and the cargo that is hauled. In addition, many large truck accidents are insured by excess policies of insurance that can exceed $20,000,000.

¿Cómo encuentro el mejor abogado de accidentes de camión en Texas para mi caso?

There are two essential aspects to consider when selecting a Texas truck accident attorney for your injury case: 
  1. proven litigation experience
  2. the financial capacity to cover the court costs and other expenses required to take your case to court.
Almost all large truck wreck cases need to be litigated. This means filing the lawsuit and using the rules of procedure and court orders to force the defendant driver and his company to produce documents and give sworn testimony. You want to have a lawyer experienced with truck wrecks due to their complex nature. The lawyers should have good relationships with the highly qualified expert witnesses, such as economists, life care planners, surgeons, accident reconstructionists, and DOT regulation experts. Experts are expensive and the attorney you choose should have the financial means to cover the expenses involved. The attorneys at Tate Accident Law have handled truck accidents for decades and we have a history of success against major trucking companies, including, JB Hunt, Swift Transportation, and many others. Please call Tate Accident Law for a free consultation with an attorney if you have been involved in a truck accident at (972)433-6113. Our offices are located at 118 South Tennessee Street, McKinney, Texas and 2902 N US Highway 75, Sherman, Texas. Please stop by anytime. If you want to read about what others are saying about our firm, please see our five-star Google reviews.

One of the most common rules violations is that the truck driver drives too many consecutive hours without rest. Driver fatigue is one of the primary factors leading to most large truck accidents.

Trucking operators  usually pay by the load or by the mile. Under either scenario, the pay scheme presents the driver with a powerful financial incentive to keep driving, even if the law dictates they pull over and take time to sleep. These companies rarely pay a salary which would remove the financial incentive to keep driving when the law requires a rest break.

The management  understand that they have created a pay scheme which motivates the trucker to keep driving, but they often knowingly “turn a blind eye” to violations in work hours because the business wants the load delivered faster so they can turn the truck around for use on another load.

Violating the hours limit causes fatigue. Our truck accident lawyers often find that driver fatigue is the root cause of an 18 wheeler accident. Drivers may try to stay awake by taking amphetamines or other stimulates known as “speed” to stay awake, and the operators often know the drivers are violating the limits on their hours, but don’t act to stop it.
The company is prioritizing profits over the safety of their own drivers and the public.

Trucking businesses  don’t supervise their drivers. Our truck accident attorneys often discover the lack of supervision after we have filed a lawsuit.

Truck driver’s hours violations and negligent supervision work hand in hand. The truck operator has a powerful financial motive to make the delivery faster so they can turn the truck and haul another load. The company, in turn, motives the driver to keep driving by paying the driver by the load or by the mile. The management can track the tractor trailer and the driver, but often willfully turns a blind eye to the violations of work hours.

Our truck accident attorneys often discover violations for driving and work hours through the course of litigation. Shockingly, the evidence of the truck driver’s hours violations is often in the company’s possession. Our attorneys know that truck operations keep track of certain data regarding any tractor trailer, the truck driver, and the load in question.

For instance, drivers are required to log their on-duty hours and stop driving when they reach the limit. Most trucking companies track on-duty hours through an electronic logging device that is hard wired into the tractor trailer. Our tractor trailer accident attorneys will download the data collected on the truck. The logging device usually transmits the data back to the truck company before the accident. This means the data showing the hours violations is available to a supervisor. If hours violations are occurring frequently, then the management is negligently supervising their driver.

In addition, our attorneys often find that the companies are using other technology to track the tractor trailer, such as a QualComm device that records much more data than the driver’s on-duty status. The truck driver’s location is tracked via GPS, tractor trailer inspections are logged, as well as other data points.

This type of location data can show that the truck driver drove too many hours or too great a distance, or lied about their location at a given time. This information was equally available to the semi-truck company and, if the data shows discrepancies regarding location, then there is likely an hours violation occurring and the driver is trying to cover it up.

Yes. The rules require that a truck company investigate a driver’s background before putting them on the road. But our 18 wheeler accident attorneys often find that the company hired drivers with bad driving histories even though this violates federal regulation and the truck operator’s own policies.

The law requires that commercial trucking businesses hire competent drivers. Commercial truck managers are required to ask the driver about their driving history and to list the driver’s previous employers. The company is also required to ask the previous employers about the truck driver’s history and pull the applicant’s driving history to make sure the driver does not have a history of traffic tickets or wrecks.

When we sue a truck company and their driver for causing a collision, our truck accident lawyers will subpoena the company’s records to make sure the records complied with their duty to investigate the driver’s history and previous employment. Our attorneys will identify the driver’s previous employers and subpoena their records to discover why the driver might have been fired.

Our truck injury attorneys often find the trucking operator did not ask the previous employers for their history with the driver, which is required by law. When our attorneys subpoena the prior employer’s records,we frequently find that a driver was fired for a cause.

For instance, lawyer Christopher Rehmet found that a driver who had a criminal history of abusing drugs was fired from a previous job for having drugs in the company truck. Another trucking business hired the same driver and caused a major accident with serious injuries. The company safety manager admitted that the criminal history was not checked even though it should have been, but wasn’t. The prior employer should have been contacted, but wasn’t. This type of evidence shows that the defendant trucking company did not adequately investigate the driver’s history and put an unsafe driver behind the wheel of a tractor trailer without taking steps to make sure the driver was safe.

Yes, the truck accident lawyer needs to take immediate steps to preserve evidence. These steps include sending a spoliation letter and hiring a qualified truck accident reconstructionist to gather evidence.

The evidence is significantly different in a trucking accident case as opposed to a standard passenger vehicle collision. It is imperative for the attorney to send a spoliation letter to the company instructing them to preserve the evidence. After we sent this letter, if the truck operator loses or destroys evidence, this will instruct the judge and jury to presume the evidence would have been favorable to the victim. Sometimes we sue the driver and the company immediately so we can subpoena records and a judge rule on requests for production of documents.

Our commercial vehicle accident lawyers also hire truck accident reconstructionists to investigate the collision. All semi trucks have a black box of sorts, called an Electronic Control Module. That module will most likely contain important information showing the speed, steering inputs, petal inputs, and other data points in the 5-10 seconds leading up to the collision. This type of data allows a truck accident reconstructionist to determine what the truck driver was doing right before impact.

The accident reconstructionist may also use a 3-D laser scanner to scan the wrecked vehicles, which provides a precise method of measuring the location and degree of crush. Computer models can then use that data, along with other data points, to help determine exactly how a wreck occurred.

Our truck collision lawyers typically go to the scene with the accident reconstructionist to review the sight and gather evidence. Drone aerial footage is usually taken which can help document the scene. Tire marks on the pavement as well as grassy medians are measured and photographed. This type of investigation is valuable to the attorney because it allows them  to argue how a truck accident happened.

Semi truck wrecks cause most of the catastrophic injury and death cases our accident lawyers handle. When fully loaded, the commercial truck is generally about 80,000 pounds. In contrast, a passenger car, like a Honda, usually has a gross vehicle weight rating of about 5,500 pounds. When an 80,000 pound truck is traveling at highway speeds, a collision with a passenger car can be incredibly destructive and has the potential to take lives or produce life-altering injuries.

Because of the size and weight of 18 wheeler trucks and commercial vehicles, the damages from a collision can be devastating. When loaded, the large truck weighs as much as 80,000 pounds, but overweight permits allow even greater load weights. In contrast, a typical passenger vehicle usually has a curb weight of less than 5,000 pounds. When the larger truck impacts the light passenger auto, the discrepancy in weight leads to severe injuries to the occupants in the much smaller passenger vehicle.

Truck collisions often lead to spinal injuries, traumatic head injuries, broken bones and joint injuries, leading to emergency surgeries. Many of the wrongful death cases which our injury attorneys have handled over the years stemmed from 18 wheeler accidents.

The destruction caused by truck accidents is the reason federal and state laws regulate the trucking industry in order to make it safer for the motoring public. When trucking companies break the rules, the resulting truck accidents can ruin lives.

Yes. Truck accident lawsuits typically require a team of several commercial vehicle accident lawyers and a team of experts. The experts may include accident reconstructionists and experts in the trucking industry, such as ex-DOT inspectors and safety managers. Proving up the injury claim may require doctors, life care planners, and economists to calculate lost earnings.

Federal courts often remove truck accident lawsuits, which adds a layer of complexity.

Truck accidents require a coordinated team of injury lawyers and experts. Our truck accident attorneys have worked with most of the truck accident reconstructionists and truck industry experts who are in Texas and across the Southwestern United States. We know which experts are appropriate for your case. Our law firm pays for the truck accident experts and are only reimbursed from a settlement or recovery. If our lawyers are not successful in recovering money for the collision, we are not reimbursed for these expenses.

In addition, semi-truck accident litigation often involves parties from different states. For example, if you are a citizen of Texas and are hit by a tractor trailer driven by a driver who lives in Oklahoma, and the truck company is incorporated in California, then no party is a resident of the same state. This is known as “complete diversity” and occurs when the plaintiff is from one state and the defendants are from another.

Under those circumstances, the defendant truck company’s attorney can remove the case from Texas state court to Federal court. This creates an additional layer of complexity because the Federal Court has its own Rules of Procedure and calls for a more intensive motion and pleading practice. We have handled many truck accident cases in Federal Courts across the State of Texas. Our attorneys are licensed to appear in the Eastern, Western, and Northern Federal District Courts of Texas.

Because the plaintiff and the defendant company and driver often do not live in the same county, there may be options about where to file the lawsuit. The location where the lawsuit is filed is called the venue. Some venues have a history of larger jury verdicts than others. Some venues have judges that tend to rule in favor of the plaintiff. Those venues are more advantageous for the Plaintiff. Our truck wreck lawyers can analyze the venue choices and pick the one that is best for a large truck accident lawsuit.

We have experience with multiple cases in several counties, such as Dallas, Grayson, Cooke, Fannin, Collin, Denton and most Texas and South Oklahoma counties.

The amount of money we can recover in a truck accident claim is going to depend on the facts of the case and the nature and extent of the injuries. Commercial motor vehicles are required to carry at least $750,000.00 in liability coverage and most have at least $1,000,000.00. Truck companies often also have excess insurance that covers damages from truck accidents that exceed $1,000,000.00.

Most trucking companies are required to have either $750,000 or $1,000,000 worth of insurance coverage, depending on the type of operation the company is running and the cargo that is hauled. In addition, many truck accidents are insured by excess policies of insurance that can exceed $20,000,000.

There are two essential aspects to consider when selecting a truck accident attorney for your injury case: proven litigation experience and the financial capacity to cover the court costs and other expenses required to take your case to court.

Almost all large truck wreck cases need to be litigated. This means filing the lawsuit and using the rules of procedure and court orders to force the defendant driver and his company to produce documents and give sworn testimony. You want to have a lawyer experienced with large truck wrecks due to their complex nature. The lawyers should have good relationships with the highly qualified expert witnesses, such as economists, life care planners, surgeons, accident reconstructionists, and DOT regulation experts.
Experts are expensive and the attorney you choose should have the financial means to cover the expenses involved.

The attorneys at Tate Accident Law have handled large truck accidents for decades and we have a history of success against major trucking companies.

Please call Tate Rehmet Law Office for a free consultation with an attorney if you have been involved in a truck accident at:

(972) 433-6113 for our McKinney, TX Office

(903) 892-4440 for our Sherman, TX Office

The initial consultation and investigation is free of charge. Our office is conveniently located at:

118 S Tennessee St in McKinney, TX 

2902 N US Highway 75, in Sherman, Texas

Please stop by anytime. If you want to read about what others are saying about our firm, please see our five-star Google reviews.